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Hi! I am DeeDee Artis! I am the CEO and founder of Peculiar Lifestyles, LLC. I have a master’s degree in Human Resource Development and over 10 years of experience in personal and professional development, strategic planning, and management. As the CEO and founder of this life/business coaching company, I am devoted to encouraging and assisting God's people to grow, pursue their purpose, and accomplish their personal and business ambitions. My goal is to help over a million people manifest purposeful lives and prosperous businesses with my services, events, and messaging.


Peculiar Lifestyles is not just a business, but it's a Christian lifestyle brand. I define a "peculiar lifestyle" as a goal-oriented, progressive and prosperous lifestyle that does not conform to the standards or trends of the world; but keeps God as the center focus, while striving to live a purposeful and quality life! We are a "chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people" and our lifestyles and businesses should reflect just that!


I provide coaching services, business management services, and also host quarterly events to empower and educate in many areas of personal and business development. You see, I know what it feels like to have unfulfilled ambitions, live an overwhelming- unbalanced life, and be need more income. For a long time I felt like I was just getting by in life but wasn’t getting much done or accomplished. I prayed for new opportunities and created several To-Do lists but always allowed fear or procrastination to get the best of me. Eventually, I grew tired of feeling unfulfilled, unbalanced, and financially stuck. I remembered who I was connected to and who's child I was.  Jeremiah 29:11 immediately came to mind and I realized the plans God had for my life was far above average and required me to take BIG leaps of faith. So I did just that! I leaped! And life has been amazing ever since I decided to manifest the life I was called to live.


My life changed completely and it's become my passion to help others do the same with my signature coaching programs and business management services!


"You either successfully take control of your life or it'll successfully take control of you. 

It’s just that simple!"

DeeDee Artis

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Benefits of Working With Me 

My coaching programs and business services are 100% customized to meet your individuals goals in 90-days or less! I empower you with my authentic tools and techniques to assist you with creating the successful life you desire while achieving your ambitions. My coaching process seeks to help you clarify what you want to achieve and determine the actions you need to take so you can finally get there – with a go-getter mentality, consistency, accountability, and faith! 

With my "Take A.C.T.I.O.N." methodology, my programs and services will help you see your

life and business in new perspectives:

* You'll define your goals, develop a results driven action plan, and get accountable support. 

* You'll uncover your inner strengths so you can start living a life of inspiration, fulfillment, and satisfaction.

* You'll identify and overcome any obstacles holding you back (limiting beliefs, fears, distractions, habits).

* You'll learn to have unshakeable faith and confidence as you pursue your aspirations. 

* You'll master tools and strategic techniques to continue your success beyond coaching.

* You'll experience growth in your business and achieve a new level of professionalism.

* You'll feel empowered to be in total control and prepared to embark upon other future endeavors.

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